
Chickweed Control

Chickweed Control

There are different names with which chickweed is referred to in different parts of the world. It is also known as chickenwort, craches, winter weed, maruns, etc. The Latin name of chickweed is Stellaria media. Common chickweed are annual plants. They are seen in fields, gardens, as much as they are seen on roadside, shingle riverbanks, coastal cliffs, etc. Chickweed can be seen in almost all soil types, but they are more commonly seen growing on lighter soils. If the soil has high potassium, high nitrogen, low phosphate and lime, then it creates conducive environment for the chickweed to grow. They are normally not seen in acidic soils. It is very sensitive to drought. Therefore, as soon as dry conditions set in, they will be seen wilting. Chickweeds are known to damage crops and gardens, therefore it is important that control measures are undertaken at the earliest. If chickweed control measures are not undertaken, it can accumulate nitrate and have toxic effect.
If measures for chickweed control are not taken as soon as they are spotted, chances are high that the entire area will be infested with them. In that case all your efforts of gardening will be a waste. If even one chickweed appears, you should get rid of it. In case it spreads to a larger area, you should clear as much of the patch as you can using different gardening tools. Chickweed may appear strong on the surface, but it normally is thin and stringy underneath. Due to which pulling out chickweed is not a difficult task. You may not be able to pull out the roots, but pull out so much that the ground is exposed.
The next step in lawn weed control is to aerate the ground. Hack the ground, such that the gash is three to four inches deep. This process will ensure that the fertilizer and water penetrates into the ground. Then spread weedkiller all around the affected area. You will have to be generous, while spreading the weedkiller. Fertilizer can also be spread along with the weedkiller. Rather it is best to combine weedkiller along with the fertilizer. You will have to check on the fertilizer packet, as to what is the right time to water. When the yard is watered everyday for a couple of weeks, chickweed will die and make way for grass. While watering the garden ensure that the ground is moist, but not saturated. For the chickweed to die and green grass to grow up on the land, it will take about three to four weeks.
How to Organically Control Chickweed
If you have just seen a couple of chickweed growth, then you will want to turn the soil over. When the soil is turned over, it helps in reducing seed germination. Another method in weed control is to use the solarization method. In this method, you will have to lay plastic mulch on the soil. It will cause the temperature of the soil to increase. Heating of the soil often proves to be lethal for chickweed seeds as well as other pests. It is best to use this method in late summer. At the same time, let the soil not be disturbed for a longer period of time. This will ensure that the subsequent winter crops grow well. If you are not in favor of plastic mulch, then you can also use organic mulch for mouse ear chickweed control as well control. Spread organic mulch made from wood chips at least two to three inches deep into the soil. This will ensure that sunlight does not reach the seeds and limit reproduction.
Another method to prevent chickweed growth in the market is deep and infrequent irrigation. You may let sheep graze on the chickweed, so that the grazing will act as a biological control measure. One organic weedkiller is the vinegar weed killer. You can use the vinegar weed killer recipe to make the weedkiller at home. One of the helpful weedkillers are the herbicides for lawns, using them will also prove to be helpful.
As soon as chickweed is spotted, undertake control measures. If using the methods above, do not prove to be of help, then you will want to undertake some chemical measures to control chickweed.

