
Web Host Industry Review-2

Web Host Industry Review-2

Reference | in Data Center Colocation Guides,disaster recovery | by katelyn helgemoeDriven by the rapid growth of the IT industry, disaster recovery has transformed from a simple concept derived from computer center personnel into a solution that is highly critical to the continued success of companies both large and small.
In the 1970s, the concept of disaster recovery, the process and procedures associated with arranging for recovery upon natural or man-made disaster, came to light as the dependency of companies relied more and more heavily on computer systems. However, it wasn't until the 1980s and 1990s that IT disaster recovery as an industry truly began to blossom. The arrival of open systems and real-time processing was a driving factor and stricter government regulations calling for business stability and disaster recovery plans further pushed the industry into the IT spotlight.
Large-scale disasters like 9/11, along with the rapid growth of the Internet in the late 1990s through the 2000s increased both small and large company's dependencies on IT systems and solutions even more, further expanding the disaster recovery related industries. Today, most major corporations reserve a separate percentage of their IT budget just for disaster recovery. Planning and executing a reliable and successful recovery solution is critical.
Selecting the proper disaster recovery data center is a key aspect of the entire recovery process. Avoiding areas prone to natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, catastrophic hail, major flooding and earthquakes) is essential. Areas like the Phoenix metropolitan area make ideal locations for a disaster recovery site. As one of the safest-from-natural-disaster cities in the United States, the likelihood of such disasters is extremely low to non-existent. Moreover, three cities in Arizona were ranked in the top ten for safest-from-natural-disaster cities whereas cities like New Orleans, San Francisco and Miami came in last and were categorized under the "endangered" category, cities with the greatest risk of natural disaster.
Born from a mere concept more than 40 years ago, disaster recovery has transformed into a powerful and essential aspect of the IT world, and saying that it is important is an understatement. As the IT space continues to grow, change and evolve, it will be most interesting to see how disaster recovery will mold to fit those changing needs.
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