
We don't have the ability to predict about the natural disaster as well as stop it

Earth Quake

Most of the people believe that the world will end in the end of this year, as mayan calender ends with 2012. Some people think that this kind of flood, Tsunami, earth quake are the alert for the end of the world. But this kind of thoughts are merely assumption and there is no valid proof for it.
We don't have the ability to guess about the end of the world. But we can avoid unwanted natural disasters by avoiding doing ills to the mother nature. We are spoiling nature with various activities like pollution, deforestation, chemical usage, technology garbage and other things, this kind of issues will spoil the nature and create unwanted disasters like earth quake, floods, Tsunami, global warming and others.
We don't have the ability to predict about the natural disaster as well as stop it, but we can prevent it by stopping the unwanted things against the nature and taking a lot of care about nature. Don't hurt mother nature with your unwanted activities and give more importance to the nature, take a lot of care about it and stop the spoiling activities to avoid unwanted disasters.

